Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Announcement: Another Artist Partnership!

A few days ago, I wrote about the collection of artist (living, breathing) photography we're putting together for use in canvas prints or murals. Well, I'm pleased to announce that as of last night, we are officially paired with another! Introducing... the work of John Krohn!  That's just a bit of it... we have a lot more of his great work that will...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Stock vs. Artist: Faces Attached to Artwork

One of the best parts of this job so far has been the opportunity to scroll through & interact with a HUGE amount of great imagery that simply rocks. It’s mind-blowing stuff (most of it). Look at this freaking majestic elephant: Or these horsies: I love horses. We have some other really stunning stuff too (just look through our collection to see), but I really...

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Crucial Decision: Wall Design in the 21st Century

When I was about 12 years old, I first witnessed the pure evil & sorrow caused by the interior designer’s worst enemy: wallpaper. At the time, my family thought it was a super cool project: an awe-inspiring cloud pattern pasted across the walls of our bathroom. It would be a treat everytime we paid a visit there. Unfortunately, the excitement didn’t last long. A matter...