Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wonderful Weddings!

Up until recently, (welcome, Samantha Nelson!), Lifewall was filled with 20-something-year-old males. We still pride our manliness, outrageous amounts of pure testosterone, and our complete lack of emotional vulnerability. But... we do love the cutsie adorable-ness of weddings. And thanks to a lot of you, we've been able to indulge in our enjoyment of the occasion....

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Do Big Canvas

A while back, we got a really nice compliment from Dana on the East Coast. She called with an interest in a large canvas print (60"x48"), and explained how she had been searching around for a company who provides prints that large. We actually weren't the people she called first, but when the first company said they don't provide prints that large, that company directed...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Something New - Canvas Minis!

We've got something new for you! After a few months of selling them out locally & collecting some feedback, we've decided it's time to roll them out & offer them online.  Drum roll... Canvas Minis! It's actually really simple. A small stretched canvas print attached to a frame. They're great for standing on desks, end tables, dressers, and (trust...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

More Than Regular Old Walls...

Lifewall likes walls. We love doing the multiple-photo Lifewalls, more traditional wall murals, and of course our canvas prints. BUT... we love doing walls SO much that we've been branching out a bit. Above is the floor in our office space (pardon the dirt on the left). We put the earth down before we had our grand opening back in May, so it's been there for several...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another Photo Contest!

This time, we want to see your most UNFORGETTABLE vacation memory! Give us something funny, stunning, weird, or just wild -- you could win a free StickIt™ mural or LifeWall™! To enter, all you need to do is head to our Facebook page & 'like' us. You'll be able to upload your photo right there and be done! You can vote once a day, and you can even vote for yourself!...