Jacob & Amy
What's interesting is that our FIRST real stretched canvas print was for a wedding - Jacob's - Lifewall's very own COO! It was rather large, and consisted of a collage of photos featuring Amy and him. Daniela, a friend of the couple, put it together.
Ashley & Aaron
Up next we have a couple of canvas prints ordered by Rhonda up in the Twin Cities. They feature her daughter and son-in-law Ashley (the daughter) & Aaron (the son-in-law). One is another collage, but put together with some software at LifeWall.
Joe & Chelsey
Some cool connections with this couple. My wife (Hannah) actually knew Joe through working at the YMCA... turns out he's actually worked just about everywhere in town. One of those 800 places is down the street at Carrow's, where he helped me out getting my tux together for a somewhat special occasion (MY WEDDING). He's been in here a few times and always has something encouraging to say - awesome guy. Beyond that, I recently started working at Family Video in town. Guess who also works here - Chelsey! Anyway, to get to the point - what you see here is a great, photogenic couple.
Halie & Matt
I've known Halie for quite a while - she's good friends with my sister Kayla. Rumor is she's actually related to me, which makes sense because she's always sort of felt sister-like to me. Proof: I once made her storm off on her bike after we had a fight. No worries - we're good now. Below are Halie & Matt, along with some cool canvas prints they actually used during their wedding.
Maxx & Rachel
This next couple isn't actually married... yet. Instead, they've gotten a couple of engagement prints made up, and they turned out great!
Yours Truly & Hannah
Modern day Beauty & the Beast. You guess which is which.
Hope you enjoyed the love & cuteness dripping from this post - we certainly did. Thanks to everybody featured here for allowing us to use your beauty in this post. We appreciate it! Readers - feel free to comment!