Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The one word that describes these past couple of weeks.

It's this word. This one right here: BUSY.  To many, it's a burdensome, exhausting, unwelcomed experience.  But not to us!  To us, it's motivating, inspiring, and makes us love what we're doing even more.  Why? Fair question. Here's a very short answer:  We're hearing some incredible stories.  Stories about loved ones, favorite...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A History of Marshall at Bisbee Plumbing & Heating

We started Lifewall as an online, ecommerce-based business. But ever since then, we've been more & more drawn to work right here in the area. And we're not complaining! Working with people one-on-one, face-to-face, seeing clients' reactions to what we create -- it's all been super cool. But recently, we completed a community-based project like none we've done yet....