Thursday, March 20, 2014

What's Your "Honest Slogan"?

If you had to be real honest with yourself about your business, you'd probably admit that there are areas in your business that you see differently than they see. They don't have the same complete image in mind that you have of yourself.

This gap between intended image and actual image is what makes sites like

Giant national businesses have just as much trouble managing the divide between intended image and actual image as much as small business.

Understanding that there is a divide is the first step to recovery. You can admit you have a problem, this is a safe place!

Lifewall has had a few image adjustments since opening our doors in May 2012 and the result, sometimes, has been confusion. If we were on the honest slogans website we might have things like "Aren't you guys only an online business?" or "They print big stuff." Even worse, some people might has such a mixed up image of us they might use the slogan "Not really sure what they do." But understanding where our image weak spots were enabled us to make corrections and fix our image problems.

As a small business it's extremely important to control your image. If you're a part of a small community, this is more difficult because your business is most likely attached to who you are personally. So if you feel a certain way about politics or religion, people might attach that to your business.

There is good news! You have an upper hand on big business! Everyone knows it takes a lot longer to turn a large boat than a small one, You may not be able to change your image over night, but you won't need to spend millions of dollars on a 30 sec super bowl ad hoping it will turn everything around either! ("turn everything around"; it's a boat joke..)

So be honest with yourself! What is your honest slogan?

Once you figure it out, work to repair the places you're weak.

Lifewall for Business is all about finding that intended image and communicating it to your customers.

Let us know if you need help closing the divide in your image, we'll be with you every step of the way!

Authored by . Interested in more of what's happening at Lifewall? Follow us on Facebook. , Google+, and at

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Confirmed: We Need a Company Dog.

If there's one thing we love almost as much as creating amazing visual displays, it's stray dogs that decide to pay us unexpected visits.

And today, that's exactly what happened.

Meet this guy:

We saw this stud roaming around by himself earlier today, and decided to invite him in for a while. We noticed he had a tag around his collar, so we called the animal clinic here in town, and they were able to identify the owners. But in the meantime, we got to see what it'd be like to have a real Lifewall dog!

This guy's great. He's very cute, likes to chill, kinda playful, and super friendly. We were honored to have him stop by & say hello! 

This experience has confirmed the obvious for me: We need a company dog. What do you think? Would you like us more if we had a cute little canine trotting around the office? I mean, I know the likelihood of this happening is somewhere around 0%, but it's always okay to dream, so let us know what you think! 

Hope you think this dude is as great as we do! 

Authored by . Interested in more of what's happening at Lifewall? Follow us on Facebook. , Google+, and at