Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The one word that describes these past couple of weeks.

It's this word. This one right here: BUSY.  To many, it's a burdensome, exhausting, unwelcomed experience.  But not to us!  To us, it's motivating, inspiring, and makes us love what we're doing even more.  Why? Fair question. Here's a very short answer:  We're hearing some incredible stories.  Stories about loved ones, favorite...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A History of Marshall at Bisbee Plumbing & Heating

We started Lifewall as an online, ecommerce-based business. But ever since then, we've been more & more drawn to work right here in the area. And we're not complaining! Working with people one-on-one, face-to-face, seeing clients' reactions to what we create -- it's all been super cool. But recently, we completed a community-based project like none we've done yet....

Friday, November 15, 2013

FREE Canvas Print Promotion Begins MONDAY!

If there are two things we know about the holiday season, they're these: 1. It's stressful. 2. Giving is important.  Lo and behold, we're announcing something that's going to take care of both of those!  For people who like numbers, that's a $60 value, and you can use any image you want!  That extra canvas print will make the perfect gift...

Friday, November 8, 2013

It's time. We're revealing Maxx's ORIGINAL NAME.

If you seek your dreams long & hard enough, they'll come true.  After being pummeled with eagerness to learn the original name of "Maxx Raths," the time has come. Your hard work has paid off.  We've hit 650 likes, and it's time for this secret to be revealed. It's time for this guy to turn his face toward the freedom of revelation. Click Moped Maxx...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Temporary Endings: Our Last Window Project of the Season

Yesterday (10/29), you likely woke up to a thin layer of wet white fluff on your vehicle (if you're around our area). We're bummed about that. Because snow is Stuff No One Wants. Ok, not the case for everyone. Not even the case for me. The Lifewall crew likes snow! It leads to memories you can use to create some awesome wall art. Like skiing in Colorado, building a snow...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Maxx may have taken "wear your brand" too far.

This is Maxx, our beloved you-still-don't-know-his-original-name team member. Maxx is cool, Maxx is fun, and he's definitely an "all or nothing" sort of dude. We loved that about him! Until he took our "wear your brand" recommendation to a whole new, terrifying level. Exhibit A:  He calls himself the "brand warrior." Exhibit B:  ... which is more...

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brick Wall Lifewalled in Tiger Pride

You've known about StickIt, our peel & stick fabric for quite some time now, and you've seen all the projects we've completed with it. But if you think all we can tackle is your typical, regular drywall walls, THINK.  AGAIN.  We just finished up a rather exciting wall project that had nothing to do with drywall. Instead... brick. Here's the finished...

Monday, September 9, 2013

13 things you could do with Maxx's original name.

In case you haven't heard, we're giving out Maxx's original legal name (first AND last) once we hit 650 likes on Facebook.  The face value of information like this is crazy huge. But why? How could you actually USE information like this? The possibilities are certainly endless, but here are thirteen ideas to get you started: 13 Things You Could Do w/ Maxx's...

Friday, September 6, 2013

What's this man's original name? We get 650 likes, you get answers.

Below is a "mug" shot of the newest guy of our crew. He's finishing up school at SMSU this semester in Public Relations (+ a minor in Marketing), and helping us get out there and Lifewall some places ("Lifewall" is now a verb, by the way). He goes by "Maxx Raths," and that is, in fact, the name on his driver's license (I checked). Maxx is a cool guy. Engaged to a great...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to school! ...And we're excited about it. What?

I mean, I think that's what I mean. As all the little kiddies, young adults, and everyone in-between head back to their favorite refuge this fall, we're pretty pumped to see it happen. Not because we're out of school, but because we just finished up a super amazingly cool project at Park Side Elementary in town. If you don't know Park Side's layout very well, it has...