We're bummed about that. Because snow is Stuff No One Wants.
Ok, not the case for everyone. Not even the case for me. The Lifewall crew likes snow! It leads to memories you can use to create some awesome wall art. Like skiing in Colorado, building a snow fort in the backyard, or waking up to an amazing shot of your backyard covered in a light, fluffy layer of white.
But it does signify the temporary end of something for us -- the outdoor use of 'some' of our materials we can use outdoors. Mainly, our perforated window stick.
A couple of weeks ago (before the snow hit, thankfully), we finished up our last window project of the season -- at none other than the Lyon County Museum!
It was a pretty straightforward project -- two panels that together make a sign for the museum. Here are some quick shots of the process.
The before shot. It's a good looking window! But lacking that "glam" every window needs.
From the inside. Believe it or not, the whole display is up at this point. You just can't see it. Like a phantom.
This project wasn't too daunting. Two panels, one window, piece of cake. The most challenging part was avoiding the bird poop & nest remains scattered beneath our feet. We had to stand on the ledge at the bottom of the window to reach properly (see picture below), and so things were just a little messy.
But the Lifewall crew does what it does, willingly and proudly.
Jacob as he finishes up double cutting the seam.
After the panels were up, we came back later to apply some edge sealer around the perimeter of the window. This will help keep dust & stuff from sneaking into the edges, ensuring things stay nice and clean.
And that's that (cue tears). For now.
The reason we have to put outdoor window stick installation to a halt is due to the temperature. The material is only recommended to go up above a certain temp. If it's under that, conditions just aren't ideal.
And we're a bunch of idealists.
So... we have to wait.
But like I said, there is a bright side to cold weather & snow. We'll be busy working indoors on some projects we've been planning, and when spring hits, we'll be back at it, ready to rock & window.
Happy winter!
Authored by Alex MacArthur. Interested in more of what's happening at Lifewall? Follow us on Facebook. , Google+, and at yourlifewall.com.
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