Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wonderful Weddings!

Up until recently, (welcome, Samantha Nelson!), Lifewall was filled with 20-something-year-old males. We still pride our manliness, outrageous amounts of pure testosterone, and our complete lack of emotional vulnerability. But... we do love the cutsie adorable-ness of weddings. And thanks to a lot of you, we've been able to indulge in our enjoyment of the occasion. In light of the several weddings we've had the honor to help make special as well as our upcoming appearance at a WEDDING SHOW here in Marshall, I thought we'd show some of them off.

Jacob & Amy
What's interesting is that our FIRST real stretched canvas print was for a wedding - Jacob's - Lifewall's very own COO! It was rather large, and consisted of a collage of photos featuring Amy and him. Daniela, a friend of the couple, put it together.

Ashley & Aaron
Up next we have a couple of canvas prints ordered by Rhonda up in the Twin Cities. They feature her daughter and son-in-law Ashley (the daughter) & Aaron (the son-in-law). One is another collage, but put together with some software at LifeWall.

Joe & Chelsey
Some cool connections with this couple. My wife (Hannah) actually knew Joe through working at the YMCA... turns out he's actually worked just about everywhere in town. One of those 800 places is down the street at Carrow's, where he helped me out getting my tux together for a somewhat special occasion (MY WEDDING). He's been in here a few times and always has something encouraging to say - awesome guy. Beyond that, I recently started working at Family Video in town. Guess who also works here - Chelsey! Anyway, to get to the point - what you see here is a great, photogenic couple. 

Halie & Matt
I've known Halie for quite a while - she's good friends with my sister Kayla. Rumor is she's actually related to me, which makes sense because she's always sort of felt sister-like to me. Proof: I once made her storm off on her bike after we had a fight. No worries - we're good now. Below are Halie & Matt, along with some cool canvas prints they actually used during their wedding. 

Maxx & Rachel
This next couple isn't actually married... yet. Instead, they've gotten a couple of engagement prints made up, and they turned out great! 

Yours Truly & Hannah
Modern day Beauty & the Beast. You guess which is which. 

Hope you enjoyed the love & cuteness dripping from this post - we certainly did. Thanks to everybody featured here for allowing us to use your beauty in this post. We appreciate it! Readers - feel free to comment!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

We Do Big Canvas

A while back, we got a really nice compliment from Dana on the East Coast. She called with an interest in a large canvas print (60"x48"), and explained how she had been searching around for a company who provides prints that large. We actually weren't the people she called first, but when the first company said they don't provide prints that large, that company directed her to US! What's cool about this is that the company is generally well-known, and we had no clue they even knew we existed. Needless to say... it was encouraging to hear. Anyway, here's a rendering of the image she ordered, and below is what she kindly said to us in an email.

The print looked AMAZING! I took it to a frame shop to have it stretched within 24 hours of receiving the print and it’s been hanging since the 1st week of Jan. I cannot thank you and your staff enough. You all did a fabulous job.

On that note, we do some big canvas printing! A while back I posted an image from the Daily Grind (a local coffee shop & restaurant) here in Marshall. We did a show featuring the work of Bill Van der Hagen, and two of those prints were 60"x40" ones - pretty big! They looked great, hung great, and we actually have a couple waiting to be hung up in our office!

I'm very eager to see some of the large prints that are ordered in the future. We go up to 60"x48", and they can all be ordered & designed on our website - To be fair, we don't actually ship stretched prints with dimensions larger than 40" that will be shipped, but we will send the materials for you to do it yourself (it's easy), and we'll even include instructions on how to do it. Of course, for local orders, we'll do it all for you.

So, a huge thanks goes out to Dana - I can't wait to see a picture of the actual hung print. As for the rest of you, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, let us know by commenting!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Something New - Canvas Minis!

We've got something new for you! After a few months of selling them out locally & collecting some feedback, we've decided it's time to roll them out & offer them online. 

Drum roll... Canvas Minis!

It's actually really simple. A small stretched canvas print attached to a frame. They're great for standing on desks, end tables, dressers, and (trust me), maaaaaaany more places. With something like this, you can treat it like a framed photograph, but have the vibrant display & quality of a canvas print. Below are a couple we have in the office. I apologize for the poor picture quality. It was taken with my 6,443-year-old camera.

They currently come in two sizes, and can be flipped any way you want them. The sizes are a 5"x7", and 10"x8". And yes, they're all ready to go online. Just head to, click "Create Your Own" at the top, and select the "Canvas Mini" box on the page. 

Like I said, we've actually sold a few of these locally, but we've gotten some great reviews on them. Here's one Lois Johnson of Marshall ordered. Note: this image was quite the hit among family members. She ordered quite a few prints of the same photo, with the last one being a Canvas Mini. As she's ordered more and more, I can easily see why it's a hit. This thing is just oozing character. It's great.

We hope you like our newest product! Stay tuned for more ideas and fun. Bye!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

More Than Regular Old Walls...

Lifewall likes walls. We love doing the multiple-photo Lifewalls, more traditional wall murals, and of course our canvas prints. BUT... we love doing walls SO much that we've been branching out a bit.

Above is the floor in our office space (pardon the dirt on the left). We put the earth down before we had our grand opening back in May, so it's been there for several months now, and walked over hundreds and hundreds of times. It's basically a light vinyl print with a heavy-duty laminate over it, giving it the ability to stand up to hundreds and hundreds of feet stepping on it, sunlight beating on it, and even water being splashed around. To show perspective, I tried to include the frame of the door a little bit. The diameter is over 12' long.

Aside from that, we've been looking at some material for brick walls. Check it out.

The material actually "intended" for brick wall is a very thin, light vinyl, so it fills into the grooves of the wall quite well. But for kicks & giggles, we decided to see how our other material stood up. So, in the middle is the 'thin' stuff, and we tried some more standard vinyl samples next to it. All seem to be holding up quite well, and we're eager to see what we can do with it.

To finally show off, here's some window material we've been using. It's 'see-through' from the inside during the day, but shows an image when viewed on the outside. Check out the pix: 

Inside the window.

Outside the window.

As you can see, we've been busy playing with some cool stuff! I'll post again if there are further things we decide to try out. Have a great day! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another Photo Contest!

This time, we want to see your most UNFORGETTABLE vacation memory! Give us something funny, stunning, weird, or just wild -- you could win a free StickIt™ mural or LifeWall™!

To enter, all you need to do is head to our Facebook page & 'like' us. You'll be able to upload your photo right there and be done! You can vote once a day, and you can even vote for yourself! Click the image below to be taken to the contest page.

The contest ends on January 11th, so don't wait! There are already a couple of entries on there with votes!