Growth is the greatest thing a business can experience. That's why it's the goal of virtually EVERY successful organization in existence.
If your business model doesn't involve growth, then you probably don't need to worry about marketing, partnerships, wise money management, or success.
Growth is the goal, the supreme finish line that never stays in one place; but with growth comes complexity and complexity is the enemy of clarity, which is the MOST important trait in any organization.
Don't believe me? You think a person would ever buy a hot dog from a stand in New York that didn't even have a mission statement, or a vision, or a brand? A stand without clarity?! NO.
Well... actually, people will probably buy a hot dog regardless of clarity or mission. But is that all you want to be? Just be a little hot dog stand your whole life?!
Not you; you're built for growth, you've got something inside you, like a seed. Cultivate it and it explodes!
Clarity is most likely what brought you growth in the first place. As you grow, don't you dare lose that clarity!
This, of course, is easier said than done. Growth causes complexity which is the enemy of clarity.
So here are three simple questions everyone in business needs to ask themselves in order to maintain clarity:
What are we doing?
Why are we doing it?
Where do I fit in?
1. What are we doing?
What are you accomplishing collectively at your work? What do you provide for people, how do you satisfy them, what is your mission? Then, put your "what" in its simplest form.
Helping leaders capture and communicate their vision is Lifewall for Business' "what".
For Apple, it was something different: "We are going to build easy-to-use computers." - Steve Jobs
Knowing the answer to this question begins to bring clarity to the whole organization.
2. Why are we doing it?
If people don't know why they are doing something, a job will become nothing more than a job and they'll just be an employee.
People need to have value added to them to remain passionate and driven. Here's Lifewall for Business' answer to that question:
"Because many business leaders have difficultly communicating their vision consistently."
Knowing why you do something forms an emotional connection in people's minds. You can know what my company does, but without the why, it doesn't seem to matter.
3. Where do I fit in?
What can only YOU can do?
What's that one thing you bring to the team that you do best? Maybe it's leadership, maybe it's creativity, personality, motivation, a technical skill, or training that no one else possesses.
If people know where they fit in, they feel desired, and more motivated to what they do well.
So, remember. Growth causes complexity that requires clarity. Maintain that clarity through asking these key questions no matter how slow or fast you find yourself growing. Want more great ideas from Andy Stanley? Follow him on Twitter.
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Authored by Maxx Raths. Interested in more of what's happening at Lifewall? Follow us on Facebook. , Google+, and at
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