That's how I often feel about some of the projects we get the privilege of creating. People come in with a new, we-never-could-have-thought-of-it-ourselves idea, and we get to make it a reality.
When Dave Hoganson talked to us about a vision he had for Wesley United Methodist Church few months ago, that familiar feeling of being creatively surprised came to mind.
Before I dive in, check out the finished walls. They're at Wesley United Methodist Church here in Marshall. They're not murals, not canvas prints, but they're still quite the sight. All designed, printed, and installed by your friendly neighborhood Lifewall.
Main Entry
In all, the projects consisted of two displays -- same design, but different sizes, and a grand total of 14 vinyl banners (7 for each display).
Credit for this idea all goes to Dave Hoganson, who stopped by & chatted with us as we were putting up a window display at the Lyon County Museum. He had seen something similar at a church up in the Twin Cities, and thought a rendition of it would be perfect for his own church. With that simple vision in mind, we got to work on bringing it to life for Wesley United.
Up until that point, most of our projects had consisted of canvas prints or wall murals -- nothing that would be hanging technically off the wall from the ceiling. But hey. Can't box in vision. We were gonna make this project a reality with creative passion, and I'm pretty sure that's what we did.
Let me quickly take you through some progress photos:
Our first set of banners was the big one -- about 12 feet tall, with each main banner being 3 feet wide. Here's the wall before we Lifewalled it:
Much to our enjoyment, the church ceiling made for the perfect means to hang the banners, as we used the metal bar thingys that hold up light panel stuff. Sorry if that technical terminology went way over your head.
Note: I do not personally condone the method by which Jacob uses this ladder in the following picture. I guess he's just a risky bro, and sometimes, the best you can do is sit back and shake has he does what he does.
And from then on, we cruised.
The second display was a bit easier to handle. The banners were just 7 feet tall, which means no terrifying ladders to handle. Check out the wall prior to Lifewalling.
This time, the process was so quick that I failed to many pictures of us putting it up. Sorry!
We were super privileged to be a part of this project. Like I said, it's another great example of someone coming in with an impressive vision, and with our job being to make it a reality.
Know of someone with a unique vision but no means to make it a reality? Let us know! We love brainstorming new projects with visionary leaders, and we like to push the limits of what we can do as much as possible.
Don't know how to get started? Call us, visit us, or get some more info here!
Also, if you'd like to see some more of our work with business & organizations, check out our Facebook page!
Know of someone with a unique vision but no means to make it a reality? Let us know! We love brainstorming new projects with visionary leaders, and we like to push the limits of what we can do as much as possible.
Don't know how to get started? Call us, visit us, or get some more info here!
Also, if you'd like to see some more of our work with business & organizations, check out our Facebook page!
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Authored by Alex MacArthur. Interested in more of what's happening at Lifewall? Follow us on Facebook. , Google+, and at
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